HearSay, LLC
Direct Access for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

The Communication Tool You Need
The Communication Tool You Need

A Life-Changing System
A Life-Changing System
CART is an acronym for communication access real-time translation; so, what does that mean? CART is a service that provides equal access to auditory information for people who may be deaf, hard of hearing, or have a learning disability, such as central auditory processing disorder (CAPD). CART may also be used by individuals whose primary language is not English.
How does CART provide equal access?
How does CART provide equal access?
CART providers listen to the auditory information (both spoken and environmental) as it is happening. They process the information in real-time to provide a verbatim live script, which the consumer has access to. The consumer can also read the script virtually at the same time the auditory information is shared, engaging the client as the event takes place.

Where is CART needed?
Where is CART needed?
CART is needed wherever equal access is needed! Since CART has been proven to build language competency and strong reading comprehension, it is often used in the educational setting, providing equal communication access to individuals in the elementary level through postsecondary setting.
The CART provider facilitates communication by incorporating all environmental sounds and classroom lecture, tutoring sessions, or meeting content in the live script. CART can be used in different settings, including but not limited to:

- Conferences and Conventions
- Meetings (of Business Owners, Doctors, Bank Employees, etc.)
- Theater Companies
- Churches
- Professional Workshops
- Trainings
- Government and Private Industry Workplaces

What time delay can be expected with a real-time service?
Our CART providers at HearSay LLC in Staten Island, New York have had years of both training and CART provision experience. While providing CART services, they use cutting-edge technology, so minimal time delay can be expected. Through their process, they create a seamless integration in almost any setting.

Are there laws related to the provision of CART service?
Yes! There are laws that outline settings in which CART service provision is mandated, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. More information related to these laws can be found using the following links:
• ADA • IDEA • Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

What is the benefit of CART?
CART services provide equal access. Remote CART fosters independence and provides anonymity.
CART provides communication access by displaying every spoken word as well as environmental sounds in a class, meeting, conference, or event. The client views a complete word-for-word translation with environmental sounds (e.g., laughing, a cell phone ringing) and descriptions of tone or inflection (e.g., excited, despairing, angry). As a result, the client has the opportunity to fully participate.
With the provision of CART, the responsibility for learning or understanding lies with the client. For example, rather than relying on notes or an interpretation provided by others, the client will determine what is or is not important based on the understanding of the material presented.